• Dictaphones
The pictures of Colibri audio recorder will be provided on request. Please contact us by email.

We are proud to present newest credit card sized Digital Audio Recorder with versatile features and high technical parameters: up to 24 hours recording capacity and up to 10 hours of battery life! The unique appearance and sizes of the Recorder enables to convenient place it into the wallet or cards holder.

Competitive advantages:
  • The Recorder, manufactured in the form of a credit card, is reliable and easy to operate.
  • Control and indication of the Recorder's modes are carried out using two hidden buttons and three-color LED on the back of the device.
  • We offer the best pricing opportunity to gain profit among competitors of this product class!
  • We also ready to provide stickers on the sides of the Recorder.
  • The Recorder has Built-in optional band-pass filter with adjustable cutoff boundaries.
  • Information recorded onto the Recorder is protected by digital signature, which makes it possible to identify whether the recorded voice information has been modified.
  • Individual label design can be ordered optionaly.
Main characteristics:
  • Power supply: built-in lithium-polymer rechargeable battery.
  • Built-in battery capacity: 180 mA/h.
  • Battery life: at least 10 hours.
  • Battery life in Power Saving Mode: more than 2000 hours.
  • Charging: Connect the product to the USB port of the PC, network or car adapter USB 5V using Reader.
  • Recorder provides Timer Recording. There have been implemented two types of timers, which are:
    • daily Timer to set daily record start time and record stop time
    • schedule Timer to set time and date of record start and stop time
  • Recording format: WAVE PCM 22kHz, Mono.
  • Reading speed: 26 Mbs.
  • Service functions can be activated using software after the Voice Recorder has been connected to the PC.
Delivery set:
  1. Voice Recorder with built-in software
  2. Reader with USB adapter
  3. User manual

Technical Characteristics:
Height 86 mm
Width 54 mm
Thickness 1,5 mm
Weight 17 g
Battery life in record mode up to 10 hours
Power supply Rechargeable battery
Battery life in stand-by mode 2000 hours
Built-in flash memory 4 Gb
Memory capacity up to 24 hours of audio
PC interface USB 2.0
Frequency band 600 - 8000 kHz
Dynamic range 80 dB
Timer recording YES
Battery charging time 2 hours

Latest news:

  • iProtect-1217-detector.jpg
    Phone Safe Summit
    Date: 2024-07-05
    One of the potential leakage channels is the phone's microphone being able to pick up surrounding acoustics with a high sensitivity. The PHONE SAFE SUMMIT has been developed by information security professionals to protect against this exact type of threat.
    Link to complete description: Phone-Safe-Summit description

  • WEGAi
    Date: 2024-06-28
    WEGAi - pinhole camera detector has been added to our website
    Link to complete description: WEGAi description

  • iProtect-1217-detector.jpg
    Date: 2024-06-28
    iProtect-1217 - detect GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE and 5G
    Link to complete description: iProtect-1217 description

  • iProtect-1217-detector.jpg
    Date: 2024-06-28
    Protect-1207i - detect GSM, 3Gand 4G/LTE
    Link to complete description: Protect-1207i description

  • Website Update
    Website Maintenance
    Date: 2024-05-22
    Website is under maintenance, contact forms might not work. Please write all your inquiries directly by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Milopol TSCM
    Milipol 2017
    Date: 2017-11-15
    We are proud to announce we are participating at the exhibition MILIPOL 2017 Paris 21-24th of November
    Our booth number A061 
    Most important products will be demonstrated including:
    • ST-121 test signal generator for TSCM training.
    • ST-167 with WiFi module and relay contacts.
    • ST-154 multizone spectrum monitoring.
    • ST-171 RF jammer detector.
    • ST-131 Piranha II multifunction TSCM device.
    • Lornet and Cayman Series NLJD.
    • CGU-OCD20 laser camera detector.
    • Voron, Optic-2 camera detectors.
    • And other equipment

  • ST-121 TSCM training test signal generator
    GSM, 3G, 4G and GPS jammer detector.
    Date: 2017-10-25
    ST-171 is intended to detect GSM, 3G, 4G and GPS jammers for theft prevention in parking lots, offices and private territories. Detection of cellular or GPS receivers jammers in cars moving along a highway, street etc.
    Link to complete description: ST-171 description

  • ST-121 TSCM training test signal generator
    Test signal simulator for TSCM training. ST-121
    Date: 2017-10-10
    Device is intended for simulation of test signal and is a handy tool to use in TSCM training or laboratory measurements.
    Signal simulator is intended to imitate operation of most common transmitting devices, such as:
    • RF transmitters in frequency range 100-6000 MHz
      Modulations: AM, FM, Sinusoidal, DSSS, FHSS, PULSE;
    • Information transmission over 220V mains lines;
    • Transmission over low-voltage, phone lines;
    • Optic channel, IR emission;
    • Ultrasonic sound;
    Link to complete description: ST-121 description

  • ST-154 multizone remote RF spectrum monitoring device
    ST-154 Distributed multizone RF monitoring
    Date: 2017-09-01
    ST-154 is a distributed, multizone RF spectrum monitoring system. Remote modules are deployed around the premises and provide 24/7 real-time RF spectrum monitoring in 25-6000 MHz frequency range. Most common wireless and cellular communication signals are identified. Events recording, review and filtering are possible. System setting are highly customisable.
    Spectrum information and potentially dangerous events are transmitted in real time by Ethernet or WiFi to central monitoring station. Up to 128 remote monitoring points. Signal localisation is possible by comparing real-time data from several remote ST-154 monitoring modules.
    Link to complete description: ST-154 description

  • ST-300-Spider-wire-lines-analyser
    SPIDER cable lines analyser
    Date: 2017-09-01
    SPIDER wire lines analyser can detect tapping and information gathering by surveillance devices connected to landline phone lines, 220V mains, low voltage lines and etc.
    Link to complete description: SPIDER

  • OPTICAL Camera Lenses Detector
    OPTICAL Camera Detector
    Date: 2017-08-01
    Optic-2 binocular camera detector with 6.5x magnification, dioptric adjustment, greed and red LED diodes. Available in stock.
    Complete information link: Optic-2 camera detector

  • Cayman 401 403 detector
    Cayman 403 - non linear junction detector
    Date: 2016-08-01
    New model of non linear junction detector Cayman 401 also known as Cayman 403 is available in stock.
    Complete information link: CAYMAN 401 (403)

  • Cayman 400 402
    Cayman 402 - non linear junction detector
    Date: 2016-08-01
    New model of Cayman 400 also known as Cayman 402 has following advantages:
    • Improved antenna constructions ensures higher selectivity of the device.
    • Decreased weight and size.
    • Simplified control and indication system.
    • New type of batteries - easy to find and purchase in the market 3,7 volt (type 18650).
    • More ergonomic design.
    Complete information: CAYMAN 400 (402)