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Pilot-M in operation.jpg
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Timely detection of explosives, explosive objects and revealing of explosion organizers has a great significance for prevention of terrorism acts. It can be done by checking clothes, hands and things of a suspect. If there are any elements of explosives, they will be detected. Usually dogs and large complicated equipment are used for these operations however this circumstance does not allow of checking suspect object to be effective.

All explosive detection operations may be easily realized using portable explosive vapor detector “PILOT-M”.

It has unique technical specifications and can detect both vapors and track quantity of explosives indoors and at any means of transport (cars, planes, rail-way, and ships). Detection is ensured by taking air samples from inner space of inspected objects and their subsequent analysis. Remote trier with grid thickener (part of delivery set) allows to take samples in dusty and smoky areas.
Moreover, there is a method of taking samples by special napkins, which are later warmed up in a sample heater, which also is added to a delivery set.

The list of substances which could be detected by Pilot-M:

Nitroglycerine (NG), EGDN, trinitrotoluene (tol, trotyl, TNT), PENT (tetranitrapentaerythrit, pentaerythrittetranitrate, Pentrit, PETN), hexogen (RDX), oktogen (HMX), tetryl (Tetril), threeacetonethreeperoxide (Cyclethreeacetonethreeperoxide, TATP) and nitrocellulose powders, engaging mixing explosives on their ground: Semtex and other plastic and elastic explosives on the basis of RDX, PENT or their mixture, В-type compositions (ТГ-20, ТГ-40, ТГ-60, ТГ-80, МС, ТГАФ)*, С-type (С1, С2, С3, С4, ПВВ-4*, ПВВ-5А*, ПВВ-7*, ПВВ-12М*, ЭВВ-11*, ЭВВ-32* and etc.), Н-6, HBX, Minol-2, Amatol (ammatol, ammonite, 6-ЖВ*), Primacord, Primasheet, Tetritol, Tritonal, Cordit N, А-IX-1, А-IX-2, А-IX-20, octols*, ocfols* and some other mixing explosives.

* - explosives of Russian origin

The device construction and analysis algorithms provide high selectivity and noise reduction.

In contrast to analogue equipment Pilot-M doesn't contain radioactive source and is absolutely safe for operator and environment. Therefore, there are no limitations for purchasing, keeping, transporting, and utilization of the device. Main parts and its design are protected by four patents for development and one patent for industrial sample.

Special software allows comparing registered spectrum to typical spectrum of pure and mixed explosives and sending it to a remote PC.

Technical Specifications:

Sensitivity threshold (TNT sample) at 20 ± 2 °С, not worse than, g/cm3
Response time, sec 1
Maximum distance between VD nozzle and examined object, mm 30
Alarm indication Visual and audible
Dimentions, mm 300 х 180 х 90
VD mass (incl. battery), kg 2
Power source DC 6V rechargeable battery


Biruch C04
Biruch C04 Explosives Detector
Explosives Traces Detector EOD
Biruch C04
Explosives Traces Detector EOD
Biruch C04
Biruch C04 Explosives Detector
Explosives Traces Detector EOD
Biruch C04
Explosives Traces Detector EOD
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Biruch C04
Biruch C04 Explosives Detector
Explosives Traces Detector EOD
Biruch C04
Explosives Traces Detector
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The explosive detector C04 Biruch using innovation methods successfully detects explosives in gas phase and particles form with extremely high sensitivity, not reachable by other explosive detectors
It was confirmed during inspection of personal belongings, baggage, mail, parcels, packages, vehicles, buildings, etc even in smoky and dusty environment, without extra tools, without the risk to fail due to excessive explosive concentration and without long term cleaning and service procedures. List of detected explosives can be expanded even in field conditions.

Device operation is based on the principle of nonlinear dependence of ion mobility on the electric field.


  • Direct non-contact detection of TNT vapor and less volatile explosives, including RDX and HMX, as well as Nitroglycerin, Ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGDN), Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PENT) and its compounds, Semtex, Cyclotriacetone Tripperoxide, Ammonium nitrate, Dynamite;
  • Detection of traces of low-volatile explosives on the surface using a piezo desorber;
  • Direct operation in smoky and dusty areas, without usage of extra tools and without the risk to fail due to excessive concentration of explosive vapors;
  • Explosives detection by using defining points, allows confident detection in wide range of temperatures and humidity;
  • Self-cleaning and automatic protection against concentration overload – detector stays in operable mode without long cleaning procedures;
  • Expandable list of detected explosives via USB or Bluetooth connection, or directly via detector interface. Entering new explosives can be done even by operator in field conditions without a computer.
  • Small size and weight, long-term usage under the operational situation.


  • Explosive detector С04 Biruch.
  • Safety cover.
  • External power supply GS60A18-P1J or of similar characteristics.
  • Power cord.
  • Piezo desorber evaporation chamber.
  • Removable filter grids (3 units).
  • Users manual.
  • Packing case for storage and transportation.


Parameter Unit Value
Sensitivity to TNT vapors, not worse g/cm3 10-14
Analysis time, not more sec 2
Detection certified and sensitivity measured for explosives - TNT, RDX, HMX, PENT
Start time from stand-by mode sec 6
Distance of vortex sampling, range mm 60-100
Operating temperatures range 5-50
Battery life for mixed operation mode hour 6-10
Dimensions, LxWxH mm 350x103x94
Weigth, max kg 1,7

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